Fed up with a daily struggle? Think you’ve tried everything? Sick and tired of feeling sick and tired?
“Then it’s time to get you back on track with your health and your life… feeling well again!”
HERE’S HOW you can quickly help yourself to feel more calm and in control with life’s little and large challenges by understanding what the ‘ROOT CAUSE’ is of a health issue.
This empowers you with more choice in a variety of new potential ways to tackle the things that have kept fuelling the problem.
It starts with becoming more CONSCIOUSLY AWARE and being able to interpret your amazing body’s wisdom, through the signs being presented to you in key moments of stress.
Nurturing CURIOSITY helps you to notice and learn from these insightful messages…
For example, what was happening just before the strong emotion surfaced? Where were you? What were you thinking? Was anyone else there?
These are just some of the questions that can help to reveal the patterns which are so clear once they’ve been identified.
Meet Susan Gardner: The Health Detective
Meta-Well-Being is based in the Midlands, UK and led by its Founder, Susan Gardner, International Health Coach, Natural Healing Researcher, Women’s Wellbeing Retreat Specialist.
“Learn how to positively change habits of a lifetime for greater health, harmony and happiness; Living in the WoW!”
Pause | Breathe | Smile
Start NOW and make a difference for yourself TODAY with this simple mindfulness practice and make it one of your daily self-care super habits.
Meta-Well-Being in a Nutshell
It’s a holistic approach to living life with conscious attention to 4 key universal pillars of health and wellness: Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual.
Next Step with Meta-Well-Being
“Know that YOU are AMAZING, EXTRAORDINARY and POWERFUL. Cultivate TRUST in your body’s innate wisdom and nurture the natural healing processes with loving kindness towards your SELF.”
Health Centred Solutions for Life
Wellbeing Coaching
Trauma informed; transforming stress, fatigue and anxiety
Lifestyle Medicine
Root cause analysis; meta-health recovery specialist coaching
ThermoBuzzer Imaging
Digital thermography technology; non-invasive body scans