Meet Susan Gardner

Hello…  I’m Susan and I founded Meta-Well-Being following my own personal life changing times. These caused me to experience massive overwhelm and stress overload, in a difficult period of my life, whilst juggling the demands of a highly pressured sales environment, with a young family, a significant bereavement and on top of it all dealing with a house move.

There was a lot happening and I was unprepared for the effect it would have on my health and wellbeing AND how it impacted on all areas of my life, causing enormous uncertainty and unhappiness.

Something had to change and that ‘something’ had to be me I realised, as nobody else could do it for me; Self Care had to become my Number 1 Priority.

Many people share similar stories about a time when they finally reach the point of no return and this becomes a pinnacle moment which changes everything, because it simply must!

Personal development became my passion as I learned some deep and meaningful lessons of life, discovering something new about myself and others at the turn of each page, book, workshop, course – infinite human potential, resilience and the body/mind capacity to heal. 

Meta-Well-Being Inspired Living

“From a very early age, I knew that the body was capable of extraordinary things…”

  • Natural Healing
  • Super Human Strength
  • Miraculous Recovery
  • Emotional Resilience
  • Mind over Matter
  • Compassion and Forgiveness

“Today I am convinced that this is true.  My personal journey has been like so many people with its ‘ups and downs’ and after overcoming some major life challenges in key relationships, bereavement, finances and health.”

“All these important experiences have enabled me to learn so much more about myself and others; the good, the not-so good and yet overall developing a greater sense of personal power and what truly makes us happy in life.”  

To Know Yourself is to Heal Yourself

Also known as ‘The Health Detective’, Susan is passionate about helping people to explore their body’s innate wisdom, to identify root causes of health challenges and to support the natural healing processes with a personalised lifestyle prescription.

With over 10 years of META-Health and Lifestyle Medicine research and study, there has been a  deepening of understanding about the Organ – Mind – Brain Anatomy and correlating biological connections, linked to an individual’s experience of significant emotional events which triggers an intelligent auto-regulation programme in the body. 

A brief overview of the science underpinning Susan’s ongoing work with her clients… 

Wherever there is a health challenge, the organ tissue that is affected (being expressed through symptoms) is directly linked to a specific area in the brain, which is connected to a particular stress conflict (challenging life experience) and this is either being successfully processed on all levels, or a resolution is not happening, or is stuck in either of these two phases. 

Common Example: A client comes for help with chronic neck pain.  The first question is to find out where specifically is the pain felt in their neck, how strong does it feel out of 10, when does it feel at the height of intensity, when did it first start, what was happening just before the symptom started, where were they, who were they with? 

These are some of the first questions that can be asked and the answers would then lead to other specific questions having established the organ tissue and therefore the conflict theme that’s associated with it. 

What’s important to remember is that the body is naturally geared to survival and this means that the body is NEVER going wrong!  So what’s going on…?

Through the automatic programming within the body/psyche intelligence, it is always doing what is needed to bring the organ tissue into balance, even though it might not ‘feel’ so good, in fact it might be downright painful and often it is, especially when in the regeneration phase along with deep fatigue for example. 

Other Key Areas Explored: lifestyle, social environment, beliefs, emotions and stress, and to keep it really specific to the ‘root cause’ of the condition that is in focus, at which point the transformation process is introduced.  

Susan Gardner is qualified and insured to practice the following modalities:

  • Trauma Informed Wellbeing Coaching
  • Chrysalis Effect Recovery Specialist
  • META-Health Master Practitioner
  • Lifestyle Medicine Health Coach
  • DISC
  • Reflexology
  • Hopi Ear Candles
  • Phytobiophysics

Also available are the following in 1:1 sessions and small groups:

  • Reiki Master Teacher
  • Indian Head Massage
  • Champissage
  • Acupressure
  • Meditation
  • Mindfulness
  • Emotional Freedom Technique
  • Crystal Healing
“What a boost to staff motivation levels! Everyone felt rejuvenated following a good selection of onsite services they were able to choose from. The attention to detail and the genuine care given to the staff members during consultations was nothing short on truly inspirational! I would highly recommend Wellbeing in the Workplace to any employer wishing to introduce new and innovative ways to reward their employees and to re-invigorate the workplace.”


“When I had my first coaching session with Susan in July 2016 my life was feeling out of control I was feeling anxious and panic seemed to grip my body once again.

After a couple of sessions I started to feel more comfortable with these feelings as she taught me to look at them as not feelings of blackness and despair but more that my body was just talking to me in a gentle way asking me to take care of myself.”

Laura Jones

“You encouraged and supported me and shared your extensive experience in a way that helped me go through my training with ease. It was a really pleasurable, expanding and eye-opening experience.

You have made such a massive impact on me and my coaching, from which I’m sure my clients will benefit. I feel blessed to have had you as my mentor.”


“Over four sessions Susan helped me define my goals and learn how to think positively using practical techniques that challenge the thought process. I was also made aware of the relationship between the body and mind. Highly recommended.”


“I found coaching helped me at a very emotional and stressful part of my life. It helped me identify what was causing my stress and positively and productively work things out.  As a result my stress levels are now minimal and my relationships are positive and happy.”

A Wragg

“I found the coaching very holistic, it has helped me and changed the way I feel in my life. We worked on general health and energy levels which was a concern to me.

We tackled past issues which I feel had been bogging me down for more than 20 years. I am learning to forget the past and not to worry too much about the future but live in the moment.”


“I found my experience of coaching to be very positive, helping me stay clear and focused in my every day life. Susan has shown me ways to tackle difficult situations, empowering me, so I don’t let things become a problem causing me to have increased stress levels, which in turn was affecting my health and wellbeing.”


“Working with Susan over the last few months has been challenging, emotional, but so worthwhile. I have learned such a lot about the mind/body connection. With Susan’s expertise and gentle guidance and encouragement, I have learned to use that and EFT to understand and tackle underlying emotional issues and thought processes. I feel so much more balanced, and equipped with tools and knowledge to continue my journey and enjoy being who I am.”


“Wellbeing in the Workplace came and delivered an afternoon of various ‘treatments’ or ‘treats’ as the participants called them to the 3 based in central Birmingham offices and myself. They chose from a menu including head massage, reflexology, reiki, acupressure chair massage and all commented for days afterwards about their improved feelings of wellbeing. The service provided, admin booking etc were first class – wouldn’t hesitate to recommend it to others.”

J Rawlinson

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