Fast Track to Feel Better – Personal Transformational Programme


Fast Track to Feel Better – 3x Online Individual Empowerment Coaching Sessions

Practical Stress Relief | Gentle Super Focused | Ideal Quick Support | Calming the Chaos in Uncertain Times


Fast Track to Feel Better – Online Individual Empowerment Coaching Sessions

Gentle Super Focused | Ideal Quick Support | Calming the Chaos in Uncertain Times

Whatever the STRESS and however it is affecting you at the moment under ‘Lockdown’, whether it is family, business, health, financial, isolation or overwhelm, worry is a huge drain and massively impacts the Immune System.

It’s absolutely essential to protect ourselves from situations that disempower us, which can cause many mental and physical health related issues.

Now more than ever it is so important to tap into what you CAN DO to help yourself and those around you.

“I went in deflated, tired, lack of self drive, came away feeling super charged and ready to go.” 

These 3 transformational sessions are designed to target your specific stress issues and we use empowering practical techniques to help each person effectively deal with those challenges, so that you end up with your own personalised practical strategies that work for you.

In addition to strategic coaching we will be using and developing other life skills for you to practise at home such as:

  • Breathing Techniques
  • EFT – Therapeutic Tapping
  • Mindfulness

Also, a key element to creating the change that you really want for that elusive peace of mind, is included as an extra bonus with ongoing mentoring inbetween the sessions to help reinforce the new learning; which means that you will receive daily acknowledgements through accountability affirmations – the proven part of this process which really makes the difference.

“By the end of my first session, I felt like I had been given a new lease of life, a direction, a clear understanding of my needs, and a set of tools to help me maintain my momentum to keep moving forward in my life.”

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