This Christmas Remember to Sprinkle some Self-Love Sparkle!
GUEST BLOG AUTHOR: Sara Marsden-Shreeve Every year we get into the same Christmas rollercoaster of old habits, whether it be trying to get organised, buying the ‘perfect gifts’, planning-ahead, upholding family traditions and of course trying to keep everyone happy....
Lock Onto Love – Top Tips To Empower Yourself
Establish a Personal Self-Care Routine – You Deserve It Set your alarm early or leave curtains open to wake with daylight As you come round still lying in bed, visualise a positive, productive day ahead Do some gentle stretches, tuning into your body and checking how...
Unprecedented Times Call For Unprecedented Action
The world as we knew it, is threatened to be radically changed and that is a good thing surely…

Mind Matters On World Mental Health Day
For a lot of people over-thinking with a head full of whirling, confusing, repetitive thoughts is a problem faced daily affecting many areas of life…